Why should cats eat chunky raw food

The living being is a very complex phenomenon. In order to ensure their well-being, they must know how his wild ancestors behaved. Cats in the wild catch a prey and eat it quite immediately. However, they must CHEW the prey. It seems surprising to many cat-owners! Cats have extraordinarily effective tools in their mouth – teeth. Chewing naturally cleans the teeth of the cats and prevents the cavities.



Also, in the chunky raw food, the amino acid TAURIN, that is indispensable for cats, is better preserved. Taurine tends to disintegrate when exposed to oxygen in the air. Presumably chewing food is a very enjoyable activity for cats. It alleviates their stress and increases the level of endorphins in their bodies.

What’s good about the chunky raw food is the fact that it cannot be so quickly gulped down. Many cats with the good appetite eat raw minced meat too fast and too much. Then they tend to vomit, which is of course quite unpleasant.


Your cat food expert
and veterinarian
Kenno Ruul, DVM
















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